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David Yip
Educator, Researcher, Artist, Writer, Director, Producer

Dr. David Yip
BA Film and Mass Communications (double-majors), UC Berkeley
MFA Film and TV Production, USC
EdD University of Bristol
After graduating from UC Berkeley in Film and Mass Communications, David joined TVB and then studied MFA in USC School of Cinematic Arts. David later joined Tsui Hark’s Film Workshop where he directed projects for TV.
Between 1998-2011, David joined the new School of Creative Media of City University as one of the founding faculty teaching media production and scriptwriting. Between 2011-2020, David taught in OUHK where he developed and served as program leader of the animation, visual effects and interactive entertainment programs. David is interested in studying the dynamic relationship between the innovative form and the creative content of media through integrating theories with new digital tools as practice-based research. His recent projects were VR on Cinematic Surrealism and STEAM animation. David now teaches visual communication and interactive storytelling at HKUST(GZ).
David is currently a member of the Entertainment Industry Advisory Committee of the HK Trade Development Council, external advisor/ examiner of local universities and higher education. David is also active in consultancy and applied projects in creative media for government and creative industries.
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